Saturday, August 17, 2019

Welcome to my world

I've been wanting to write a blog for quite some time. Mostly because it is my belief that my life is a living sitcom. Not in the reality tv show kind of way (although I have been asked why I don't have my own reality show) but in the...noone has this much ridiculous shit happen kind of way. I'm always just short of getting in trouble, I'm outspoken, opinionated, offensive to some (incels, bernie stans, misogynists and Republicans) and sometimes kinda funny, not Mrs. Maisel funny, more...I can't think of anyone...more ME funny.

I don't know how often I'll post even though I know if I want to keep my readers interested I need to post regularly. I will most likely bitch about things that bother me. I'm an unapologetic feminist and politics I'll probably be writing about Trump and his shenanigans occasionally.

But who knows. I also know a ton about skin care and makeup so maybe I'll give you guys a tutorial on contouring that doesn't take five hours and 20 shades of foundation. Or give you recommendations about products. I'm of the firm conviction that noone in my friend circle or family should shop for makeup without me...because the women (and men) at the counter are trained to sell you crap you don't need.

I also nerd out on film and television. I'm an actor so I watch the kinds of things I aspire to be in...I figure I'm aligning with the universe that way. Like, maybe if I watch Crazy Ex Girlfriend enough they'll feel my talent and give me a part through osmosis. (I'm joking...Kinda)

I also dabble in astrology and tarot. I have a podcast called Polipsych that I record with my nerdy friends from college. I have a dog, a cat, a cute apartment in the Belmont neighborhood in Portland and I'm single.

Suffice to say...I have sh*t to talk about. Stay tuned!

And if you're curious what I sound like subscribe to my YouTube channel